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General Mental Health Services

Dunamis Wellness Mental Health Services

Have You been Going through Tough Times in Life and Need Somebody to Talk to?
Is Your Poor Work-Life Balance Damaging Your Relationships at Home and You Want to Find a Solution?
Are You Struggling with Depression and Need a Kind Person to Share Your Fears with?

One of the key aspects of having good mental health is having somebody you can talk to with the trust that they have the wisdom and insights to help you find answers you keep failing to find on your own. 

Talking to mental health counselors really helps because these are professionally trained individuals who are qualified to offer wholesome mental health advice. You will feel much better knowing you have somebody who listens to your problems without judging you.

At Dunamis Wellness Center, you can work with a professional mental health counselor based on the nature of your problem. We have seasoned couples counseling professionals, family counselors, teenage counselors, work-life balance counselors, depression counselors, and more.


Call Us At (530) 338-0087

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    Professional Mental Health Counseling

    Getting professional counseling in times of a mental health crisis can make a huge difference in the associated short- and long-term outcomes. A trained counselor knows how to help you identify priorities, listens to what you have to say, and helps you find your way to wellness keeping in mind your personal goals.

    While many people still shy away from reaching out to a professional due to a number of reasons, it is encouraging to see mental health counseling is becoming more popular with time. The statistics were quite poor until a few years ago but have been growing positive. Now, approximately 20% American adults get some kind of mental health counseling and treatment in a year. 

    If you – or a loved one – are going through stressful times at work, home, or in any other area of your life and you feel you are not finding the right answers, reaching out to a professional counselor is the best thing you can do. 

    Why Get Mental Health Counseling Services from Dunamis

    Dunamis Wellness Center is a professional wellness services provider, where you can obtain compassionate individualized help to reset your life and get it back on track.

    We are a team of wellness and mental health professionals who are passionate about helping others rise above their stress, depression, and other mental health challenges. We listen, offer sound advice with expertise in that branch of mental health counseling, and assist people to be healthy, whole and live well.

    Get in touch and talk to our team about anything that’s keeping you down and getting in the way of your achieving your goals. We would be happy to listen and help.

    Call Us At (530) 338-0087

    Mental Health Services Available at Dunamis Wellness Center

    We take pride in offering a comprehensive set of counseling and other professional services to people with a variety of mental health problems and worries. We offer:

    General Mental Health Services Reports & Updates


    Get Help Today

    Everybody needs somebody to listen to and provide guidance once in a while. If you feel you are struggling, speak to a professional counselor and find the right answers.

    Call Us At (530) 338-0087